Assessing Board Effectiveness

Boards and directors require feedback on how they are performing individually and as a group, how their committees are functioning and how individual directors are meeting their responsibilities.  The objective of the assessment process is to improve performance of boards and directors.

I can help you undertake a full assessment of the board and each committee.

We’ll use an on-line survey tailored to your needs, followed by face-to-face meetings to discuss:

  • Whether terms of reference have been fulfilled,
  • If specific milestones were achieved,
  • Opportunities for enhancing the committee’s contribution to the work of the board.

The board should try to determine the degree to which its processes can be objectively determined to have been effective.  We can consider questions such as:

  • How well the board made its decisions?
  • Did the board do an effective job in understanding risk
  • Did the board help to shape the strategy?
  • Did the guidance provided the CEO and the supporting incentive program achieve the desired results?
  • Did the board assist the CEO by bringing new perspectives and stimulate new thinking that resulted in better decisions?
  • Did the board use in-camera sessions at each board and committee meeting to give the directors a few moments to give timely consideration to how effective they have been.

If desired, we can include input from:

  • CEO
  • External auditor,
  • Internal auditor,
  • Risk officer,
  • Corporate Secretary

Individual Assessments provide important feedback to directors seeking to improve their performance.  I can act as an external facilitator to assist the process and to add further objectivity to the director assessment.

  • Are directors working well together in the best interests of the MBO?
  • How effective was the board selection and assessment process itself – were areas of needed improvement identified and is the MBO going to be better positioned to succeed as a result?
  • Is the board confident it can perform effectively in a crisis?
  • Are there problem issues (directors) that need to be identified?